Course Calendar

Wednesday, January 7th & Thursday, January 8th

Science 8

1. Check homework - pg.117 qu# 2,3
2. Review last three boxes of chart
3. Create question and answer quiz questions - for practice
4. Start Allergies Project
5. Homework - review section 3.2 for quiz - try questions on pg. 117

Science 10

1. Review and check RC p.366 & 8-2B
2. Read and review pgs. 367-369
3. Practice Problems - pg.369-370
4. Activity 8-2C

Engineering Students - we will be designing a lab to test the motion of objects next class. Please bring a mousetrap car.

Biology 12

1. Video - Bill Nye & GMOs
2. Recombinant DNA - Journal entry
3. 4 corners debate questions

Bioethics Project due next class...