Course Calendar

Energy in the News Assignment

Here are some websites to get your article search started:

Creating your video

Putting together a good video is no easy task. Neither is scripting, narrating, and adding all the bells and whistles that help tell your story … 

We are looking for creativity. How original are your ideas, and how original is your presentation? We are particularly keen to see presentation techniques and styles that we have never encountered before.
We are looking for complexity. How many data sets have you incorporated into your story? How do they interact? And how difficult was it to find the right tools to present your data in a clear and compelling manner?
We are looking for clarity. It doesn’t matter how interesting your ideas are or how cleverly they're packaged if we can’t understand them! 
  • Start simple: Truly effective visualizations start with the data and then use the right tool to convey them to a wider audience. Beauty is a byproduct of the process
  • Audio: Make sure the quality is good! Bad audio will tank your presentation. 
  • Video: If you are shooting video, use the highest quality possible.