Course Calendar

Term 1 Science 10 Assessments

The following labs, assignments and tests need to be completed before the end of Term 1 for assessment and grading. They should be handed in separately from your Science Journal. Please adhere to deadlines so the work does not pile up at the end. 

1) Rube Goldberg Machine design or build/video/pictures (1 per person or 1 per group) - due September 28th

2) Egg Drop Lab - complete the handout (1 per person) - due September 28th

3) One Formal Lab (1 per person - NO COPYING!) - due October 1st

  • Choose one of the following labs to thoroughly write up and hand in... reaction time lab, sphero lab or bouncy ball lab
  • The data and rough copy answers to questions should already be in your Science Journal
  • Include the problem/question, observations, answers to the analysis questions, and a conclusion on the lab that you submit
  • Should be typed and any graphs should be done on the computer

4) Thermal Energy Lab (Honours class only) (1 per group) - due October 11

5) Article Analysis (1 per person) - due October 11

6) Energy Unit Test (individual) - October 12

7) Science Journal (individual collection of term materials) - due October 12