Course Calendar

November 23-26

Biology 12

What mark have you achieved?

A+           95% and up
A              90% to 94%
A-            86% to 89%
B+           82% to 85%
B              73% to 81%
C+           68% to 72%
C              60% to 67%
C-            45% to 59%
I               Evidence is

Students will need to arrange a time to meet with me in class or at lunch before NOVEMBER 26 to determine a TERM 1 grade. Otherwise, an “I” will be recorded on your reports. DON’T wait until the last day…

What you need to bring in for your meeting...
  1. Completed self assessments in your orange duotang (extra handouts available on desk)
  2. Completed lab duotangs with self reflection rubric filled in 
  3. Completed journals with self reflection rubric filled in
  4. Filled in portfolios containing marked tests and quizzes

Watch Video:

During class this week you need to finish creating new journal pages on ENZYMES. There are also practice booklets available for this chapter. 

Next week – We will be starting a formal lab on enzymes 

Biology 12 Honours

We are starting a series of labs concerning the cell membrane and movement of molecules...

1. Factors affecting diffusion lab
2. Tonicity labs (A, C) - (omit B - we could not get elodea)