1. Complete extraction of key points from text about prokaryotes and eukaryotes
2. Find or create a chart describing the structure and function of cell parts
Collect notes from video
Journal Entry Assignment:
Create a Cell Analogy
for a “Super Cell.” Include all cell parts found in plant and animal cells (but
make note of which cell type they actually belong in).
Make sure the parts of the analogy work together like the parts of
the cell.
Create a visual and written representation of your analogy in your
journal. You can use paints, pens, pencil crayons or paste in paper, yarn, etc
to create your SUPER CELL.
Video Guide
Biology 12
1. Add dehydration synthesis & hydrolysis reactions to journals
2. Add notes for Carbohydrates & to journals
Biochemistry Power point for Tuesday & Thursday
THURSDAY - you will have a TOC this day. The teacher will be going over proteins and nucleic acids with the class. You will also be given a review booklet to start practicing with.
We will start the Organic Chemistry lab on Monday.