Tuesday - Teacher on Call
1. Hand in Lab Duotangs
2. Bird Banding - Field Trip Forms Due
3. Share Ecology Assignments
4. Watch Ecosystem Videos...
5. Review Homework Questions about the Scientific Method...
- In a single statement, define science...
- What causes reasonable people to doubt scientific explanations?
- How can we be more informed?
- What are the steps to the scientific method?
**Last chance to hand in Bird Banding Forms**
1. Share Ecology Assignments
2. Answer Ecology Reflection Question
3. Work on the Levels of Biological Organization Journal page
4. Hand in Journals
HOMEWORK - Water Lab
Biology 12
** Short Class **
** Early Dismissal @ lunch **
Start the War on Science
1. Start Journals
2. Developing Oral Skills
3. The War on Science Continued
4. Complete the following questions
In a single statement, define science... What causes reasonable people to doubt scientific explanations? How can we be more informed? What are the steps to the scientific method?